Monday, September 27, 2010

Tape and other things...

Really into this washi tape. Everything in my house is getting taped. Especially things which need tape but also things which don't.

Tim's busy working tonight (I am too, but from home, so yeah), I bought a ridiculous feast for myself of lime and pepper macadamia nuts, hummus and multigrain bread, cactus, apple and lime juice, and feijoa smoothie. I am so full and happy. Daylight savings helps too a bit, it's 6:32pm at the moment and still lovely and bright outside. Looking forward to barbecue and garden parties which will be happening in the following months.


lina said...

oh i've been wanting to get some of that tape! i think it brings creativity to everything.

Emily said...

I love that tape so much, they have a great range at borders
Also where did you get that delicious sounding juice? It sounds amazing

Dawn Tan said...

Haha. I tape my laptop the same way too! I used to tape it on my powerbook several years ago, I'd tape the hinge too. But at that time no pretty washi tap, so I used those cute japanese plastic tape with dots. Now I've upgraded to pretty washi tape. Gingham and dots.. Ah so lovely!