Since I have somehow suddenly become ridiculously allergic to kitties, I have to decided to live my dream of adopting a kitten vicariously through Anabela. Recently she found the most lovey kitten in the world who was living in her garden, her name is Pony and I would like to pet her.

Photos by Anabela. More lovely photos of Pony and other things that she does can be found here and here.
Aw, thank you! I'm so sorry to hear you've become allergic to kitties!
It sucks that you are allergic to kitties. They are one of my favourite things in the world :(
They make my eyes and face hurt. I think if I got one maybe I could somehow desensitise myself to it by patting it all the time and taking many anti histamines, or I hear there are really expensive cats that are bred to be non-allergenic, but I don't know if that is true.
my uncle is allergic to cats but he still has one! what about a short haired cat??
aww i'm so sorry you're allergic!
that is the most adorable kitty, though =]
*gasp* Anabela, you have the cutest cat ever, love the name Pony — Sarah, build up the intolerance with mini pats, it will be ok xx
oh my goodness she is the cutest thing in the world!! (besides from my three cats! hehe)
Great readd thanks
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