I came across this amazing photo/art installation image by Perth artist Rebecca Baumann the other day. My mind keeps on wandering to this photo during my daily thought processes. I think it has affected me. In a good way. Kind of reminds me of the party/book launch thing at Don't Come last year. But maybe this seems more serious.
P.S Does anyone know more about Rebecca's work/if she has done anything else that is equally as amazing? I've had a bit of a search on the internets but haven't found that much information on her.
You can't help but smile looking at that picture :)
Bec had an exhibition at my work this year - fac.org.au
She's also contributed to the Love Is My Velocity Cookbook and First Page projects - www.loveismyvelocity.com
I used to work with Bec! Bizarre. I was working at a place called Spare Parts Puppet Theatre & co-organising ticketing for them for an international puppet festival.
Don't know her well but used to be friends with her sis.
Not much 'artist' info, just small world :)
hey sarah,
katie from limv here, glad you liked bec's work - it was one of my favourites! it formed part of a windows walk along william street that limv did with the william street collective and wam for their 2009 festival, and that work was installed in the rather grotty wellington street bus station in a disused waiting room. bec has done heaps of awesome work with party materials, for instance, a confetti/blower installation during artrage's silver exhibition at pica, and surpise exploding confetti balloons at linden: http://linden.casparfairhall.com/artists/baumann.php
feel free to get in contact if you'd like more info - katie@loveismyvelocity.com
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