My favourites were the pink bright sexy happy cats from Ginette Lapalme (in an excellent matching pink frame), (its the picture below, but imagine the frame around it please) and a big secret mushrooms painting by Melinda Josie. Other artists in the show included Howie Tsui, Lauchie Reid, Lee Hutzulak, Marc Bell, Michael Comeau, Selena Wong and Tara Azzopardi.
I suggest you go and have a look for yourself. More information (including how to get to the gallery etc) is here.

p.s The prices for all of the drawings are also rather affordable, so you should buy some because they are great. Or you could just buy me the above cats and we can call it even.
p.p.s I think I need to practice putting my thoughts into coherent sentences, everything alway read kind of disjointed like the way that I think, and I am always hoping that it makes sense to whomever you are.
you make perfect sense
I wish I could see this in real life. How wonderful!
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