That's it. I've decided, I'm growing my hair out, long and wild. I will be a girl who lives with nature and thus it will be necessary for me to have untamed tresses (this may take quite a while though, since right now my hair it approximately 1cm long).
Hair inspiration...


"there's a ghost in my backyard" )

(from Wendy Bevan)

(also from
"there's a ghost in my backyard" )
i'm growing mine out too! will take a year or two i think...
me too! i always love these long untamed wild tresses look. sexy and casual. nice~
hi sarah, i often dream i have really long hair and I'm so happy about it, then i wake up.
congrats for the frankie magazine, the article looks great! how did you go about getting that?
hope you're enjoying your travels
ah, i just left you a message as my boyfriend's brother tim, he was signed into the computer before me, sorry!
i just cut off all my long wild hair in november. my hair is so short now and i never need to comb it which is nice, but this really made me miss it!
yeah, i had really long hair 2 years ago, but it was so annoying and dry and puffy. but maybe i think i am "mature enough" to take care of it properly (i.e not dye it, condition it a lot and brush it carefully)
long hair is so nice..
but I hate waiting for it to grow,mine is up to my shoulders now
oh and it grows so slowly that you don't even realize!
oh btw, my hair was puffy and dry before but then i started using this anti-frizz serum and it's all nice and shiny now.
I love the idea of long untamed tresses (think Kate in Lost - always a mess!), but I know that my hair is just too light and poufy to look naturally wild if I don't tame it.
Instead it looks as though I've stuck my finger in a light socket.
I hope you have more luck!
xxx scarlett
I thought you wanted to look like a were my inspiration to cut off my hair. Now I will have to keep it.
Who throw away all his hair-ties
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